Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Ice Bucket Challenge

Have you been named by your friends for Ice Bucket Challenge or you have focused on this public event all the time? When talking about the origin of the Ice Bucket Challenge, everyone should pay more attention to Frates who was diagnosed with ALS two years ago and posted a video to the tune of Vanilla Ice’s "Ice, Ice Baby." After several weeks, this challenge reached all over the world. More and more people or celebrities have posted their ice bucket challenge videos to Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc in order to attract the others to join in this activity. Below we figure out top Ice Bucket Challenge Videos and Ice Bucket Challenge fails videos. You can feel free to download with the help of MacX YouTube Downloader.

Top Four Ice Bucket Challenge Videos
1. Bill Gates (Founder of Microsoft)

After Mark Zuckerberg called for Bill Gates to take the Ice Bucket Challenge, he has done the best Ice Bucket Challenge video. This tech genius designed a smart contraption to enjoy a cold shower.

2. Tim Cook (Apple CEO)

Cook took the challenge at at Apple’s Cupertino headquarters in front of a live audience as a response to a challenge from Apple’s senior VP of marketing Phil Schiller.

3. Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook CEO)

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg took part in the challenge after invited by New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.

4. Satya Nadella (Microsoft CEO)

Asked by former pro-football player Steve Gleason, Nadella joined the Ice Bucket Challenge. When accepting the challenge, some employees were asked to dump the bucket of ice water on his head.

Top Ice Bucket Challenge Fails Videos

After watching these celebrities’ Ice bucket challenge videos, you may be attracted by some challenge fails videos because they are really funny and interesting. It is true that we will think the whole challenge process will be much easier than we thought. Actually, there are some unexpected things happened. However, these videos have brought enjoyments for many people and at the same time, received high click-through rates on YouTube.

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