Serves as a sequel to the 2012 film The Amazing Spider-man, directed by Mac Webb and released by Columbia Pictures, the Amazing Spiderman 2 is a 2014 American superhero film which features the Marvel Comics character Spiderman. It was released in 2D, 3D and IMAX 3D on may 2, 2014 in US.
According to the official data, it grossed $8.7million on its early Thursday night showings. After the opening weekend in the first place, it received almost $92 million. At the same time, it exceeds $30 million comparing with the first film on the opening week. Until July 20, 2014, this film has grossed $ 202,084,843 in North America and $504, 119, 807 in other countries, for a total gross of $706,204,650.
No matter how controversial it is from the very beginning on, this Box office is really satisfied. Haven’t seen this movie in the cinema or buy DVD yet? Catch time to download the official trailer from YouTube with the help of Free Mac YouTube downloader or buy a ticket now.
1.The death of Gwen
As majority of Spiderman fans, we would like to see that Peter Pater is in love with his girlfriend – Gwen, who is Peter parker’s high classmate and really is the first girlfriend of Spiderman. At the end of this Spiderman 2, the death of Gwen makes many fans shocked and the whole scene is full with sorrowful atmosphere. Although Gwen must die according to the plot so that Mary Jane has an opportunity to show us maybe in the next amazing Spiderman, for fans, it is so hard to accept the fact that spider-man accidentally killed Gwen, which is the scariest thing.
An impressed word in movie: “You want to be hero, you gonna pay the price.” Beyond all doubt, to be a hero is too difficult to protect one’s lover.
2.The Spiderman Costume is Changed
In the amazing Spiderman, the costume of Spiderman is much simpler so that some fans believed that even children can make it just by purchasing the sunglasses as the eye patches. In the sequel, the director hopes that this role is more similar to the original image and then the blue color is deeper and the glasses are lighter.
The costume designer Deborah L. Scott, who also designed costumes for Titanic, has shaped a classical role “Martin” in Back to the Future. At this time, she successfully shaped a new image for Spiderman.
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