As is known to us, The Maze Runner is an upcoming American science-fiction mystery action thriller film based on a 2009 book which has the same name written by James Dashner. Directed by Wes Ball and script by Noah Oppenheim, The Maze Runner is placed great expectation by SF fans because of excellent stars like Dylan O’Brien, Thomas Sangster, Kaya Scodelario, etc. According to the official announcement, The Maze Runner is set to be released on September 19, 2014, in US by 20th Century Fox.
The main plots:
It tells that: when a boy named Thomas woke up, he found himself in a giant maze and unfortunately, he couldn’t remember anything except his name. At here, there are many other boys who also didn’t know how to get here as well as Thomas. In everyday morning, the door of maze would be open and on the contrary, it would be closed at the night. In maze, there is a horrible creature called Grievers. Every 30 days, a new boy would come here. But surprisingly, this is a girl after the coming of Thomas, who brought a shocked message: only Thomas had ability to bring all of them out of the maze, but the premise is that Thomas must solve a dark secret buried deeply in his memory.
Feel this movie is so attractive? Try to free download the Maze Runner's trailer from YouTube with YouTube Downloader for enjoying the wonderful parts in advance.
Pros: “I’m so tired of hearing some people saying that The Maze Runner is a rip off Divergent or Hunger Games. Even though, this film is also taking place in the future and it involves teens in messed up situations, it doesn’t mean it’s a copy. To be frank, Hunger Games came out in 2008, Divergent in 2010 and The Maze Runner in 2009. It would be so difficult for anyone of them to copy each other since their publication dates are so closed.”
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